A blurry shot of Birthday girl Katie Schneble blowing out the candle on a cup cake.

Early this March my friend Sam brought his new Girlfriend Katie, and her friends up for their first yurt experience and to celibate Katie’s birthday. We played some games explored the neighborhood and had  a great time celebrating Katie’s birthday yurt style.


By boot, snowshoe or ski we make a two mile trip up to the yurt. An ATV had made a mess of the trail with crisscross ruts that kept tipping my sled.

By boot, snowshoe or ski we make a two mile trip up to the yurt. An ATV had made a mess of the trail with crisscross ruts that kept tipping my sled.
Photo Credit: Katie Schneble





This is the last time I hike a case of beer up to the yurt. I would have tied the sled to one of the dogs but the ATV ruts would tip the sled every few feet.

This is the last time I hike a case of beer up to the yurt. I would have tied the sled to one of the dogs but the ATV ruts would tip the sled every few feet.
Photo Credit: Katie Schneble


This trip we ran into a random old man in leopard tights! Definitely wins best dressed lol

I usually run across one or two people along the trail to the yurt during winter. This trip we ran into a random old man in leopard tights! Definitely wins best dressed lol
Photo Credit: Katie Schneble


Lauren and Katie pose on a wind blown section of the trail. You know your near the yurt when you start getting close to timberline. Photo Credit: Sam Coindreau

Lauren and Katie pose on a wind blown section of the trail. You know your near the yurt when you start getting close to timberline.
Photo Credit: Sam Coindreau


Katie , Sam, and Mocha staying warm and happy in the yurt by the wood stove.

Katie , Sam, and Mocha staying warm and happy in the yurt by the wood stove.
Photo Credit: Sam Coindreau


Group selfie after shoveling the deck.

Group selfie after shoveling the deck. Such a fun weekend with new friends!
Photo Credit: Katie Schneble


Joe Holmes enjoying a beer after hiking it up to the yurt

I normally do bring beer up in the winter because its a pain in the butt to hike up. I sure did enjoy it once we got it up!
Photo Credit: Katie Schneble


Sable and Mocha make good blankets while we wait for the wood stove to heat the yurt. Meanwhile Sam ponders the meaning of life.

Sable and Mocha make good blankets while we wait for the wood stove to heat the yurt. Meanwhile Sam ponders the meaning of life.


Who would have thought Crab People like PBR too!

Who would have thought Crab People like PBR too!
Photo Credit: Katie Schneble


Taking a walk around the neighborhood before the sun sets.

Taking a walk around the neighborhood before the sun sets.


Postholing is how you go for a walk around outside without snowshoes on. Photo Credit: Sam Coindreau

Postholing is how you go for a walk around outside the yurt without snowshoes on.
Photo Credit: Sam Coindreau


Katie with a cup of coco hot off the wood stove.

Katie with a cup of coco hot off the wood stove.



Panorama shot of the interior of the yurt.

Panorama of the interior of the yurt as we get ready to head back down the mountain.
Photo Credit: Katie Schneble


Skiing back down to the car. Warm days and no recent snow have made for crappy conditions.

Lauren and I skiing back down to the car. We stuck to the trail because warm days and lack of fresh snow have made for crappy conditions.
Photo Credit: Katie Schneble

