It turns out that the 13,000ft and 14,000ft peaks surrounding the yurt make the perfect training ground for the the 10th Mountain Division to practice altitude helicopter landings and maneuvers. I’m not sure how frequently they train but I have seen them practicing from the yurt in both the winter and the summer. They generally come in groups of four to six as they fly up from the valley floor staying below the surrounding ridges and peaks.

A CH-47 Chinook Helicopter circles the yurt before landing on a near by peak.

A CH-47 Chinook Helicopter follows the ridge line by the yurt before landing on a near by peak.


The choppers take turns landing one at a time while the others circle the basin in holding patterns.


The 10th mountain division practicing high altitude landings and maneuvers by the yurt and I got this shot as a Blackhawk Helicopter flew by the moon.

The 10th mountain division circling the yurt while practicing high altitude landings and maneuvers. I got this shot as a Blackhawk Helicopter flew by the moon.


The 10th mountain division Blackhawk helicopter practicing high altitude landings and maneuvers up at the yurt.

The 10th mountain division Blackhawk helicopter practicing high altitude landings and maneuvers up at the yurt.


The 10th Mountain Division only lands on the highest peaks in the winter and early spring months as to avoid popular summer hiking routes. During the Summer months they land on other surrounding peaks that do not receive as many hikers.


CH-47 Chinook Helicopter landing. The 10th mountain division was practicing high altitude landings and maneuvers on nearby peaks.

CH-47 Chinook Helicopter landing. The 10th mountain division was practicing high altitude landings and maneuvers on nearby peaks.


Post WWII a few members of the 10th Mountain Division returned and are accredited to starting the modern ski industry here in Colorado. They have had a profound to impact on how we access and interact with the mountains and backcountry in Colorado and its such a treat that the yurt has a front row seat to the action.
