Having not made any trips up to the yurt since Halloween, I was eager to see how much snow had accumulated in November.

The previous Thanksgiving weekend on the drive back to Golden, I decided to make a short detour and see how far I could drive up the road to get an idea of what gear would be best for the following weekend. I was able to drive within about a mile and a half of the yurt before calling it quits. The snow coverage was about two feet deep on the road I was excited to break out the skins for the first time this season.

The following weekend the yurt was under a winter storm warning, and we got an early start hoping to get up before the storm. On the drive up we notice the wind had blow much of the snow from the road leaving about six inches of windblown crust. We were able to drive most of the way up to where a large drift forms across the road at one of the windiest spots. The drift was about five feet tall and there was no busting through this one. Coverage was sparse between drifts and we elected to hike the last quarter mile and leave the skis behind.

End of the road

End of the road at roughly 11,700ft. We decided to hike the rest of the way to the yurt and leave the skis behind.


Not much snow along my street.

Not much snow along my street.


As we got closer to the yurt the snow became deeper and we could see that there was still a good amount of snow on the deck.


There was a little more snow as we got closer to the yurt.

There was a little more snow as we got closer to the yurt.


Arriving at the yurt

Arriving at the yurt.


Nate shoveling the deck in the Rasta hat.

Nate shoveling the deck in the Rasta hat.


After shoveling of the deck we spruced up the yurt a bit for the holidays. There was a small tree just off the deck that was getting destroyed by the snow that is shoveled off the deck. I decided since the tree needed to be removed anyway, now was the perfect time to turn it into a Christmas tree!

The yurt Christmas tree

The yurt Christmas tree decorated with random items around the yurt. Topped with the Ullr Fest hat of course.


The winter storm ended up being a flop and we spent the rest of the evening playing cards against humanity, drinking adult beverages and listing to Christmas music. To get some use out of the skis we decided to drive to Breckenridge the following day where they ended getting more snow out of the storm.

It was still a fun short trip and got me stoked for more winter yurt adventuring.